Friday, May 22, 2009

Medical Entrance Test - Biology ON 22 MAY

1. Competition is the most severe between two

a)Closely related species growing in different niches b)Closely related species growing in the same habitat c)Distantly related species growing in the same habitat d)Distantly related species growing in different niches

2. When population reaches carrying capacity

a) Morality Rate = Birth Rate b) Morality Rate > Birth Rate c)Morality Rate < Birth Rate d)None of the above

3. Density of a population (D) is

a)D = S(size)W(weight) b) D = S(space)N(number) c) D = N(number)S(space) d)None of the above

4. Human population shows

a)J-shaped growth curve b) Z-shaped growth curve c) S-shaped growth curve d)All the above

5. The phenomenon of one organism being benefitted with out affecting the other is

a)Scavenging b)Amensalism c)Commensalism d)Symbiosis

6. The spread of Opuntia was controlled by

a)Allowing cattle to graze over it b)Allowing sheep and goats to browse over it c)Introducing insect dSpraying herbicide

7. The relation between algae and fungi in a lichen is

a)Symbiosis b)Parasitism c)Commensalism d)Protocooperation

8. Association between Sea Anemone and Hermit Crab in gastropod shell is that of

a)Symbiosis b)Commensalism c)Parasitism d)Amensalism

9. Which one is true?

a)Commensalism when none of the interacting populations affect each other b)Symbiosis when the interaction is useful to both the populations c)Symbiosis when neither populations affects each other d)Commensalism when the interaction is useful to both the population

10. Association of animals when both partners are benefitted

a)Colony b)Mutualism c)Commensalism d)Amensalism

11. A parasite living within tissue of host is

a)Epiphyte b)Endophyte c)Ectophyte d)None of the above

12. Deserts can be converted into green land by

a)Tropical trees b)Oxylophytes c)Halophytes d)Psammophytes

13. Fungal association of roots of higher plants in mycorrhiza is

a) Parasitism b) Hyperparasitism c) Mutualism d)Commensalism

14. Types of interaction that occur in predation and parasitism are

a) +,+ b) -,- c) +,0 d) +,-

15. An unrestricted reproductive capacity is called

a) Birth rate b) Biotic potential c) Carrying capacity d) Fertility

16. Association between entomophilous flowers and pollinating agent is

a) Commensalism b) Coevolution c) Mutualism d) Cooperation

17. Rhizobium bacteria and root nodules of Pea have an association called

a) Predation b) Parasitism c) Symbiosis d) Commesalism

18. Mycorrhiza is an example of

a)Symbiotic relationships b) Ectoparasitism c) Endoparasitism d) Decomposers

19. Which is correct food chain in grassland?

a)Grass → Snake → Insect → Deer b)Grass → Wolf → Deer → Buffalo c) Bacteria → Grass → Rabbit → Wolf d)Grass → Insect → Frog → Snake

20. Path of energy flow in an ecosystem is

a)Herbivores → Producers → Carnivores → Decomposers b)Herbivores → Carnivores → Producers → Decomposer c)Producers → Carnivores → Herbivores → Decomposers d)Producers → Herbivores → Carnivores → Decomposers

21. Pyramid of energy (in a forest/pond ecosystem) is

a)Always inverted b)Always upright c)Spindle-shaped d)Both upright and inverted depending upon ecosystem

22. In a tree ecosystem, the pyramid of numbers is

a)Upright b) Inverted c) Spindle like d) Variable

23. Savannahs are
a)Tropical rain forests b) Desert scrubs c)Grassland with scattered trees d)Dense forests with closed canopy

24. Who proposed the term ecosystem?

a)Odum b)Gardner c)Warming d)Tansley

25. An ecosystem does not normally alter because it is in a state of

a)Homeostasis b) Imbalance c) Deficient light d) Deficient components

26. Tropical forests are denser due to

a)Wild animals b)High temperature and less rainfall c)Low temperature and excess rain d)High temperature and high rain

27. Stratification is more common in

a)Tropical rain forest b)Deciduous forest c) Temperate forest d) Tropical savannah

28. The most stable ecosystem is

a)Forest b)Mountain c)Desert d)Ocean

29. Forest management is related to

a)Silviculture b)Sericulture c)Apiculture d)Olericulture

30. Silent valley has been preserved as it has

a)Recreational value b) Valuable tinder c) Natural forest d)Rare plants and animals

31. Decreased rainfall in northern areas is due to

a)Changes in sun b)Global phenomenon c)Deforestation in catchment areas d)Deforestation in evaporating area near equator

32. Jhoom cultivation refers to

a)Cultivation of Jamun trees b) Cultivation of medicinal plants by tribes c)Tribal method of shifting cultivation d)cultivation of terraces

33. Soil erosion is prevented by

a)Afforestation b)Increased bird population c) Overgrazing d) Removal of vegetation

34. L.P.G is

a)Low price gas b) Fossil fuel c) Low pressure gas d) Biogas

35. Nonconventional source of energy is

a)Wood b)Biogas/Solar Energy c)Coal d)Petroleum

36. Ecofriendly method is

a)Plantation of C3 plants b)Plantation of Sugarcane c)Energy plantation d) None of the above

37. Animals like Mice, Lizards and Cockroach share their habitat with human dwellings. They are

a)Inquilines b) Cultigens c) Transplants d) Humus

38. Major reason for extinction of animals is

a)Predation b) Pollution c) Habitat destruction d) Felling of trees

39. Which animal has become extinct from India?

a)Snow Leopard b) Hippopotamus c) Wolf d) Cheetah

40. National Wildlife Protection Act was formulated during

a)1972 b) 1974 c) 1976 d) 1978

41. First national park of India is

a)Kanha N.P b) Periyar N.P c) Corbett N.P d) Bandipur N.P

42. Breeding place of Flamingo (Hansawar) in India is

a)Chilka Lake b) Sambar Lake c) Rann of Kutch d) Ghana Vihar

43. Kanha National Park is located in

a)Assam b) Rajasthan c) Uttar Pradesh d) Madhya Pradesh

44. A species restricted to a given area is

a)Endemic species b)Allopatric species c) Sympatric species d) Sibling species

45. Animal species protected in Kaziranga National Park is

a)Panthera leo b) Rhinoceros unicornis c) Panthera tigris d) Macaca mulatta

46. Which one is endangered species?

a)Cuscuta b) Acacia nilotica c) Nepenthes d) Both B and C

47. Wildlife is conserved

a)In situ b) Ex situ c) Both A and B d) Selective hunting of predators

48. Organisation responsible for maintaining Red Data Book is


49. Red Data Book contains information about

a)Red coloured insects b)Red eyed birds c)Red coloured fishes d) Endangered plants and animals

50. Mark the national tree

a)Ficus religiosa b)Mangifera indica c) Ficus bengalensis d) Azadirachta indica

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