1. {A}Elastic strain is a dimensionless quantity.
{R}The ratio of two similar physical quantities is dimensionless.
options-[1]A is true ,R is true and R is correct explanation of A.
[2]A is true ,R is true but R is not correct explanation of A.
[3]A is true ,R is false.
[4]both A and R are false.
2.{A}Electric current is scalar.
{R}All fundamental physical quantities are scalar.
options- [1]A is true ,R is true and R is correct explanation of A.
[2]A is true ,R is true but R is not correct explanation of A.
[3]A is false ,R is true.
[4]both A and R are false.
3.{A}Plane angle is a dimensionless quantity.
{R}All unit less quantities are dimensionless.
options-[1] A is true ,R is true but R is not correct explanation of A.
[2]A is false ,R is true.
[3]both A and R are false.
[4]A is true ,R is true and R is correct explanation of A.
4.{A}In mechanics,we treat length,mass and time as the three basic or fundamental quantities.
{R}Length,mass and time cannot be obtained from one another.
options-[1]A is true ,R is true and R is correct explanation of A.
[2]A is true ,R is true but R is not correct explanation of A.
[3]both A and R are false.
[4]A is true ,R is false.
5.{A}the value of 'G' can not be derived by dimensional method.
{R}The value of proportionality constants can not be derived by dimensional method.
options-[1]A is true ,R is true and R is correct explanation of A.
[2]A is true ,R is true but R is not correct explanation of A.
[3]both A and R are false.
[4]A is true ,R is false.
6.What are the advantages of double tuned amplifier over single tuned amplifier?
options-[1]smaller bandwidth product and ideal curve characteristics
[3] |
[4]larger gain bandwidth product and response is flat and 40db slope sides 7.The refractive index of glass is 3/2 and of water is 4/3. The refractive index of water with respect to glass is: options-[1]1/2 [2]9/8 [3]8/9 [4]2 8.The electrolyte used in a nickel-cadmium battery is distilled water and options-[1]diluted sulfuric acid [2]potassium hydroxide [3]lead sulfate [4] 9. Two resistances of 25 ohm and 75 ohm are connected in series across a source of 120V. Potential difference across 25 ohm resistance will be options-[1]20v [2]30v [3]90v [4]100v 10.A wire fixed at the upper end by length 'L' by applying a force F.The work done in stretching is options-[1]2FL/2 [2]2FL [3]FL [4] |
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